Education Leadership Award at UTS Business School

It was incredibly humbling to receive an award for education leadership yesterday at UTS Business School, in connect with several years of effort towards the interdisciplinary subject, Integrating Business Perspectives. This has involved an evolution towards incorporating significant elements of ‘empathy’ and human-centrededness, which is unique within Australian universities. Furthermore, the empathy-focused peer mentoring program that I run has contributed significantly to this success. It’s quite amazing to consider that all 2000+ first year business students at UTS have the chance to learn about empathy at the start of their academic careers!

I’d like to thank my many wonderful colleagues. My sincerest gratitude to the many supporters of our work, who have continued this project through the many good times and recent challenging times.

Furthermore, none of this would have been possible without the many talented, passionate and empathic student Mentors, who have supported the subject since 2014. Working with many brilliant students really make this work special and provide me with inspiration every day, to keep pushing boundaries to provide the best possible student experience and develop innovative concepts for a successful life beyond university. It has been the highest privilege to collaborate with you.

From the bottom on my heart, thank you all ☺ 💗