Protect, Survive or Rebel. The shifting roles of young adults during the COVID-19 pandemic in Australia


During the initial stages of the COVID-19 pandemic in Australia, on a hot early autumn weekend there was public outcry at images packed beaches in Sydney and Melbourne. Taking the brunt of this criticism, young adults were characterised as selfish, uncaring, and not following COVID prevention advice. As the pandemic progressed and made me think: How are young adults experiencing the pandemic? Are they following the rules? Is their behaviour selfish and uncaring?

These questions were important if we were going to face a protracted pandemic. Additionally, I thought it important to understand the real nature of people’s experiences beyond seemingly lazy and out-dated stereotypes.

Interviews were undertaken in June and July 2020 with preliminary findings presented at the Australia Institute Symposium “This changes everything? Australia and the post-pandemic world” at Australian National University in October 2020. To watch the symposium presentation see below.

To see my presentation watch YouTube below.

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